5 things international students wish they had joining US universities Annesha Biswas August 18, 2024
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5 things international students wish they had joining US universities

We’re thrilled to share highlights from our recent virtual event, “Take the Leap (Virtual): Preparin College Students for Academic & Career Success.” This exciting gathering brought together international students from U.S. universities to discuss their experiences, tackle common challenges, and create a wish list for overcoming these hurdles. The energy and enthusiasm were palpable, and we’re excited to share the key takeaways with you!

  1. Career Guidance & Mentorship
    One of the standout discussions revolved around the critical need for career guidance and mentorship. Students expressed how transformative effective mentorship can be in their career journeys. They emphasized that having mentors equipped with the right resources can make all the difference in being career-ready.
  2. Personal Branding & Networking
    Another hot topic was personal branding. Students shared how crafting a strong personal brand can open doors to valuable opportunities. The conversation also covered the importance of financial planning, from managing insurance to securing financial loans, along with practical advice on resume reviews, networking strategies, and job preparation.
  3. Navigating Financial and Social Capital
    Balancing financial responsibilities with social and academic demands is a common challenge. Participants discussed how crucial it is to plan for financial stability, while also juggling work, family, and study. There was also a strong emphasis on cultural immersion, affordable childcare, and emotional support for spouses.
  4. Language & Academic Systems
    The complexities of language barriers and unfamiliar academic systems were highlighted as significant hurdles. Students stressed the importance of mentorship and personal finance management to help them navigate these challenges.
  5. Cultural Adaptation & Support: Cultural adaptation was a theme that resonated with many. From pre-academic preparation to navigating visa issues and finding equal job opportunities, there’s a lot that can be done to make international students feel more at home.

At TrueLeap, we’re excited to take these insights and run with them. Our Global Gateway initiative is designed to address exactly these challenges, ensuring that every student has access to the resources they need to succeed—no matter where they come from.

Stay tuned as we continue to roll out new resources and opportunities to support your academic and career journey. Together, we’re making quality education accessible to everyone, everywhere!